About Me

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I am a semi-professional photographer based in Massillon, Ohio. What started out as a hobby has turned into a full-blown obsession. I love to play with light, and typically you will find me camped out with my setup, putzing around with some strobist tool or another.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I've been so busy lately, getting everything ready to start school, working full time and of course taking as many photos as possible! I've done two more shoots, one with Jessica, and one with Staci and her godson David. More on those later, because I am so excited to share that two of my photos were printed in my local newspaper for Earth Day!

They also have them up on their website as well! The editor even asked if I'd be interested in doing some news or sports photos for them this summer! Needless to say I'm extremely flattered and completely psyched to have more work published!

Onto the portraits! I can definitely tell that my work is evolving. I'm learning a tremendous amount with each shoot that I accomplish, and it's a great feeling! I'm no where near a professional yet, but I have to be happy with the skills I have picked up in such a short amount of time.

Jessica was kind enough to model for me yet again, and we had an amazing location to work from. We had a bit more time and Jess had picked out a few outfits to work with as well, so we got a diverse set from one shoot, and I couldn't be happier.

We even had a guest appearance by a super short, super cute model!

I wanted to try some new things with the way I process my photos, and I'm thankful to say I think I finally have my process nailed down. It's become very fluid and much faster to say the least!

Jessica rocked it like always, she's so fun to work with, keeps me laughing but is serious in a fraction of a second to nail an expression!

I wish it had been more overcast this day, but I really can't complain about gorgeous weather in Ohio, it did make for some nice interior barn shots though!

I also had the pleasure of shooting Staci and David at a local park that I love shooting at. There's water, grass, flowers, gazebos. The place offers so much in the way of backgrounds it is unreal!

Staci and David did an excellent job, and I was thrilled to shoot them! Even though it was a shorter shoot than usual, we still ended up with some great shots!

It's obvious how close these two are, and how much they enjoy each other. Staci is an amazing role model for him, she sets rules and guidelines for him that he would be lacking otherwise. David has not had the easiest childhood, and she provides him with stability. Although, they have their silly moments.

Which are endearing and amazing to capture. All in all I have felt honored that my friends have let me into their lives with my big pesky lens always in their faces. I guess I'm just lucky that way!