About Me

My photo
I am a semi-professional photographer based in Massillon, Ohio. What started out as a hobby has turned into a full-blown obsession. I love to play with light, and typically you will find me camped out with my setup, putzing around with some strobist tool or another.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Always learning..

I took photos of my friend Staci today, whom I know affectionately as Kmart. Don't ask.

We headed down to our local park, and although it was rather cold (40-some degrees!) we were having a blast taking pics, and the cold weather didn't affect us much! It was also very overcast, and from what I've read this is the best time to take photos, especially when your taking photos of women or girls. Really! It is! I was sorta skeptical, (as skeptical as one can be of something that someone says, who happens to be more knowledeable than you) could it really make for better photos on an overcast day? I mean, I get the logistics, the cloud cover diffuses the light from the sun, so you get this neat even lighting, without harsh shadows. Well today I put it to the test, and the photos speak for themselves.

 The lighting was just bright enough to illuminate Kmart's photogenic self, and I did use some fill flash a couple times when we were in shade, or she was backlit. It worked out so very well, the lighting was gorgeous, and complimented her extremely well. We worked on some poses to make her look her best, and walked around basically pulling up ideas for photos as we saw different areas in the park. This photo is my absolute favorite from the entire day:

I adore this shot, and I knew it was going to turn out great as soon as I had it in the camera! It's so delicate, I feel it showcases her sensitive side very well. Hopefully she doesn't develop poison ivy or something from cozying up to some pretty suspicious looking trees!

The park that we go to for photos has this amazing tunnel, the creek runs through it, and it has this narrow walkway that you can actually walk through on. It has quickly become my favorite place to take pics, as you can see I used the same location for Jessica's shoot also. The side of the tunnel has a great texture, and some crazy metal rebar or something sticking out of the rock face.

The day was bittersweet though, I was thankful that I got to spend time with one of my best friends, and provide her with, hopefully, some nice photos to keep. The time I spend with her is important, as she will be moving across the country (almost) in a few months. Makes me wish I had squeezed more time together into our friendship, but I plan on making the rest of the time she's here count!

So look forward to new shoots, more photos to love (or hate) and hopefully more tips and techniques I'll pick up and share with you along the way..

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today was my first "formal" shoot with my friend Jessica, it went so well and I learned a ton from working with her and from working with the resulting images. Ideas for future shoots, things to keep in mind, what to avoid, etc. I do have to give some big kudos to Jessica, who was an amazingly flexible model, and really made up for my lack of expertise! We get to the local park where we had planned to do her shoot, and then she says, "OK, what do you want me to do?"

...I didn't have a clue! But we worked out a couple neat photos, made up our own poses while I tried to keep in mind everything that I have learned on my own about photography. Taking pictures with a person is completely different than taking photos of my dogs, or of the pretty spring blossoms. I tried to be as speedy as possible while still managing to get the shots I needed. I think it was a successful day to be sure, and while we got quite a few finished photos that were all nice, there are a few that really stand out from the crowd, and they are included here. Anyone interested in seeing all 42 finished shots can head over to my Facebook page, and you'll find them in my albums.

Poor Jessica, had to climb up a waterfall, trudge around in sludgy muck, and deal with gross bugs and gnats, all for the sake of art! I couldn't have asked for a better model though! She accepted every idea I had with grace and was open and willing to try things, which made a huge difference!

Today made me super excited for more, more shoots with Jessica, more shoots with other people (Staci's shoot is up next!) and just more of photography in general. Suffice to say, I'll be here for awhile.. snapping the whole time.

Keep your eye's peeled for my shoot with Staci, which should be happening sometime later this weekend! If it goes half as well as Jessica's shoot, I should have something great!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The things we leave behind..

There is a house I pass everyday on my way to work, that burned down and was subsequently bulldozed. I noticed a few weeks ago that someone had propped an old broken doll head on a stake in the ground, right by the road.

I have passed by it several times, and have been simultaneously creeped out and fascinated by it, and definately thought it would make an excellent photo! It just reminds me of a movie poster for a scary movie or something similar.. and those who know me know that I'm nothing if not a bit macabre! It makes me sad though, makes you think of what it once was, did a little girl love this doll? It has a story, which is why I am so fascinated by this little piece of creepiness.

This doll was left behind, whether by force or by whatever reason, and it has turned into something new entirely, something that I had a hand in creating, which is pretty sweet if you ask me. :)

I also have been leaving something behind, my self consciousness and general lack of guts. I would normally chicken out of standing by the side of a very busy road and taking pictures of some crazy piece of nostalgia. I can't help but wonder what the people driving by were thinking seeing me trampling through the ditch, brambles and yes, poison ivy, to get this picture. What would I think if I saw it? My biggest fear is of people laughing at me, due in part to my past. To be completely honest I have passed up several photo oppertunities because I was too chickenshit to stand in public and take photos.

But tonight as I came upon this area I couldn't pass up this chance to get a really great photo, I had my camera with me, the sun was setting, making the light really nice - and above all I decided I didn't care if people were laughing at me, or staring at me as they drove by, because it was worth it to have this picture. I'm proud of myself!

I also got a quick picture of Staci, a good friend of mine who happens to be a co-worker, tonight as we were closing down shop at work. One thing I didn't notice until post was that our other co-worker Bill was giving her the ol' bunny ears. This shows me I might not be paying enough attention to what I'm seeing through my viewfinder when I take on the fly photos like this, which I'll try to improve. Luckily, in this picture it worked out, and added a certain cute factor that I really appreciated after I noticed it.

Coming up the rest of this week I have a shoot scheduled tomorrow with my friend and co-worker (noticing a theme here?), Jessica. She's a professional wrestler (No lie, she's pretty bad ass!), who works with independent promoters in NE Ohio and also other places around the US. She agreed to be my portraiture guinea pig, and I am totally excited to take her pictures!

I also have a shoot set up with Staci (same Staci from the pic, yep!) for later this weekend, which I am also extremely stoked about, this girl is absolutely the single most photogenic person in the entire universe, seriously! I can't wait to take her pics too, as she was also gracious enough to allow me to practice on her.

Well, that's enough from me for one night, check back for the results from the shoots!

Monday, April 12, 2010

My blogging adventure begins...

I've thought up so many excuses for why I shouldn't start a blog. They range from "No one care's about what I'm doing, or where I am in my life." to "I don't have anything to offer to readers in the form of expertise, or entertainment.". What made me finally start one then, you ask? Honestly, I don't know. Perhaps it was some sort of inner yearning for an outlet that I had more control over. I think that because I am doing it for myself, enabled me to brush off all my doubts because they all centered around other people.

Who knows, I might just find that my outlet is someone else's entertainment.

Who am I? I am a girl from the midwest, Ohio to be exact. I am introverted and socially awkward, and I strive to find acceptance through my explorations in "art". I put the quotations around the word art because I don't feel comfortable calling my hobby art. Nor do I consider myself an artist. But what I am is someone who loves to be pleased aesthetically, I love that feeling when you look at something and it just "feels good". I don't think there is any better way to describe it.

By creating this blog I hope to achieve 3 things.

1. I hope to improve my skills as a photographer.
2. I hope to provide a glimpse into the way I view the world around me.
3. I hope to connect with other like-minded individuals to further my education and experience, and possibly impart something of value in return.

My goal is also to post examples of my work, to provide a visual marker for (hopefully) my improvement. Also to share my images with others who might enjoy them.

I didn't intend this blog to be a somber tale, in fact I am usually insanely goofy, but I did want an honest starting ground for what I'm trying to accomplish!

If you happen across this blog in your wanderings across the internet, please check back, follow it, bookmark it - whatever your usual preference is!

I'll end this post with a pic of my favorite subjects - my dogs!