About Me

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I am a semi-professional photographer based in Massillon, Ohio. What started out as a hobby has turned into a full-blown obsession. I love to play with light, and typically you will find me camped out with my setup, putzing around with some strobist tool or another.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today was my first "formal" shoot with my friend Jessica, it went so well and I learned a ton from working with her and from working with the resulting images. Ideas for future shoots, things to keep in mind, what to avoid, etc. I do have to give some big kudos to Jessica, who was an amazingly flexible model, and really made up for my lack of expertise! We get to the local park where we had planned to do her shoot, and then she says, "OK, what do you want me to do?"

...I didn't have a clue! But we worked out a couple neat photos, made up our own poses while I tried to keep in mind everything that I have learned on my own about photography. Taking pictures with a person is completely different than taking photos of my dogs, or of the pretty spring blossoms. I tried to be as speedy as possible while still managing to get the shots I needed. I think it was a successful day to be sure, and while we got quite a few finished photos that were all nice, there are a few that really stand out from the crowd, and they are included here. Anyone interested in seeing all 42 finished shots can head over to my Facebook page, and you'll find them in my albums.

Poor Jessica, had to climb up a waterfall, trudge around in sludgy muck, and deal with gross bugs and gnats, all for the sake of art! I couldn't have asked for a better model though! She accepted every idea I had with grace and was open and willing to try things, which made a huge difference!

Today made me super excited for more, more shoots with Jessica, more shoots with other people (Staci's shoot is up next!) and just more of photography in general. Suffice to say, I'll be here for awhile.. snapping the whole time.

Keep your eye's peeled for my shoot with Staci, which should be happening sometime later this weekend! If it goes half as well as Jessica's shoot, I should have something great!

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